Pixeur is a smart tool to be used by various types of users. Pixeur is a tool which guides users to know various details of the colors you see on you screen. Mainly Pixeur is being used by various Multimedia and software program developers. Pixeur can provide details like Hex & RGB details of a color. Pixeur can also store history of colors used by you so that to ensure not to search for colors anywhere else. Pixeur is a freeware however one can support via donation to the development team. Pixeur is also able to manage the brightness and saturation along with support to Hue. Pixeur has a zoom feature to view the color with complete preview. Pixeur allows users to manage the color history by saving it for future use; one can retrieve the history by importing it later. Pixeur is compatible with windows XP, Vista and many other operating systems. One can also let Pixeur run in background and it can be recalled from the System Tray. Pixeur is able to store values of colors from its clipboard. With Pixeur one can drag the pointer of Pixeur to any color on your computer screen and get it to the tool to find out correct details like Hex and RGB.